  • 狂暴活尸夜

  • 主演:Sebastian Street ... Dean  Sophie Lovell Anderson ... Candy (como Sophie Anderson)  Joe Rainbow ... Ronny  
  • 状态:HD
  • 导演:Neil  Jones  
  • 类型:电影
  • 简介:

      If the mysterious plague sweeping the nation wasn’t bad enough, Dean is still going ahead with his doomed wedding tomorrow morning. That leaves him with a choice. Pick up the button holes and chocolate fountain as instructed by bridezilla Elaine, or go with five mates (and a stripper) to play ‘Zomball’ at a top secret military compound where you get to shoot zombies with huge stun guns. Disobeying the golden rule of Zomball (‘never never humiliate a zombie’) the stags face overwhelming odds from the massed undead and each stag is hunted down. The truth about Zomball is finally revealed and suddenly the mother-in-law is the least of Dean’s problems.





视频更新时间:2023-07-10 14:30




影片导演:Neil  Jones  

影片演员:Sebastian Street ... Dean  Sophie Lovell Anderson ... Candy (como Sophie Anderson)  Joe Rainbow ... Ronny  


剧情介绍:Neil  Jones  导演执导的《狂暴活尸夜》,该影片在2009英国发行,上映至今获得了较好的口碑, HD,由Sebastian Street ... Dean  Sophie Lovell Anderson ... Candy (como Sophie Anderson)  Joe Rainbow ... Ronny  等主演的一部不错的英语的电影。

  If the mysterious plague sweeping the nation wasn’t bad enough, Dean is still going ahead with his doomed wedding tomorrow morning. That leaves him with a choice. Pick up the button holes and chocolate fountain as instructed by bridezilla Elaine, or go with five mates (and a stripper) to play ‘Zomball’ at a top secret military compound where you get to shoot zombies with huge stun guns. Disobeying the golden rule of Zomball (‘never never humiliate a zombie’) the stags face overwhelming odds from the massed undead and each stag is hunted down. The truth about Zomball is finally revealed and suddenly the mother-in-law is the least of Dean’s problems.


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